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Personalisation offers the Service User Choice and Control over the Shape and Support of the Care they require. 
Using a Brokerage Like Telopea Managed Services Limited offers and organised strategy for carer payments 
What TMSL can do for the Service User: 
Manage the Personal Budget 
Organise the Care requirement 
Manage the Care Requirement 
Manage the Payroll 
Monthly Care Requirement Safety checks (per 4 weekly) 
Create a Care Plan 
Personalisation is a social care approach described by the Department of Health as meaning that “every person who receives support, whether provided by statutory services or funded by themselves, will have choice and control over the shape of that support in all care settings". 
While it is often associated with direct payments and personal budgets, under which service users can choose the services that they receive, personalisation also entails that services are tailored to the needs of every individual, rather than delivered in a one-size-fits-all fashion. 
It also encompasses the provision of improved information and advice on care and support for families, investment in preventive services to reduce or delay people's need for care and the promotion of independence and self-reliance among individuals and communities. 
As such, personalisation has significant implications for everyone involved in the social care sector. 
Personalisation and service users and carers 
The key test of personalisation's success is the extent to which it improves the lives of service users and their carers. There is evidence that this is taking place as a result of personal budgets but there are also concerns that a number of groups - people with dementia, those with other mental health problems and those who lack mental capacity - are not yet benefiting from this approach. 
Personalisation and social care professionals 
Personalisation is having a significant impact on the roles of social care professionals, all transformed through personal budgets. 
Social Workers should encourage Service Users to assist in assessing their own needs, with or without support and play a full part in drawing up a wide-ranging support plan, rather than a narrower care plan, and directly purchase or choose the services they want. 
As a result, councils have created a range of new roles to support service users in carrying out these tasks or commissioned external organisations, including user-led organisations. 
What is a Personal Budget? 
A Personal Budget is a sum of money allocated to you as a result of an assessment of your needs. The amount of money you are awarded is based on the 'eligible needs’ you have at that time. Eligible needs are those which the local council's policy says it has a duty to support you with. 
To start with you are given an ‘indicative budget’ (an estimated budget) so that you can develop a support plan, with help from others as necessary, based around what matters to you and what works for you. This gives you the chance to have more control over how your support is provided. 
Mental Health Services and Support 
A Personal Budget is not in addition to mental health services and support, but a different way of making the ‘social care’ element of the funding available. 
By April 2013, all councils should be offering offer Personal Budgets to all those who are eligible to receive support, including people with mental health needs. 
Why have Personal Budgets been introduced? 
Personal budgets were introduced in 2008 as part of a new process to give people greater control over the way they receive their support. This is usually called Self-Directed Support and is one aspect of the changing approach to meeting people’s needs called ‘Personalisation’. 
Personalisation intends to ensure that: 
People are able to be a part of their community 
Good advice and guidance is available to everyone 
Services are in place to help prevent crisis and sort out difficulties at an early stage 
Where people require longer-term support, it is designed and delivered with them to meet their individual needs and preferences, which is where Personal Budgets come in. 
Promoting Independence 
Some of the ways in which people using mental health services have chosen to use their Personal Budgets are: 
Getting help with cooking, shopping and cleaning 
Having short breaks or a holiday 
Leisure activities, e.g. an art class or a walking group 
Having driving lessons 
Buying specialist or computer equipment to make life easier 
Buying membership of a gym or sports club 
Finding a job or learning new skills 
Having an aromatherapy massage or other alternative therapy 
Examples of how other people are using their Personal Budgets 
The increased choice and control provided by a Personal Budget has enabled people who use mental health services to meet their needs in a far greater variety of ways than was possible before the introduction of self-directed support. In every case listed below, the local council was satisfied that the activity or item paid for was directly related to meeting needs for which the Personal Budget was provided. 
Fees for singing lessons 
Fees for horse riding lessons and the necessary clothing 
Travelling abroad for a short break 
Travelling abroad to see relatives 
Hairdressing equipment 
A music-composing computer program 
A graphic art computer program 
Exercise equipment 
Driving lessons 
A car 
A shed, gardening tools and plants 
Fees for a gardening tutor 
Fees for security guard training 
Tennis club membership 
Decorating and re-carpeting a flat 
Transport to pick children up from school 
Gym membership 
Cinema tickets 
Drumming lessons 
Jazz music lessons 
MBA course fees 
A Personal Budget cannot be used: 
For anything that is not directly related to meeting your eligible social care needs 
For things which the local council has prohibited. These vary, but generally include gambling, debt repayment, alcohol and tobacco, anything which is illegal, and anything which will cause harm to yourself or other people 
To meet needs in ways which are solely the responsibility of the NHS, such as the provision of medication.